- electron optics
- электронная оптика
English-russian dictionary of physics. 2013.
English-russian dictionary of physics. 2013.
Electron optics — deals with the focusing and deflection of electrons using magnetic and/or electrostatic fields. See also * Charged particle beam * Electron beam technology * Electron microscope * Ernst Ruska References * [http://www.ml.afrl.af.mil/facilities/mll … Wikipedia
electron optics — n pl but sing in constr a branch of physics in which the principles of optics are applied to beams of electrons elec·tron op·ti·cal i .lek .trä näp ti kəl adj … Medical dictionary
electron optics — n. the branch of electronics having to do with the focusing and deflection of beams of electrons by means of electric and magnetic fields, which act upon the beams in the same way that lenses act on light rays … English World dictionary
electron optics — the study and use of the physical and optical properties of beams of electrons under the influence of electric or magnetic fields. [1915 20] * * * branch of physics that is concerned with beams of electrons, their deflection and focusing by … Universalium
electron optics — elektroninė optika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. electron optics vok. Elektronenoptik, f rus. электронная оптика, f pranc. optique électronique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
electron optics — elektroninė optika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electron optics vok. Elektronenoptik, f rus. электронная оптика, f pranc. optique électronique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
electron optics — noun plural but singular in construction Date: 1916 a branch of physics in which the principles of optics are applied to beams of electrons • electron optical adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
electron optics — branch in physics in which the principals of optics are applied to beams of electrons … English contemporary dictionary
electron optics — plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of physics concerned with the behaviour of electrons in magnetic and electric fields … English new terms dictionary
electron optics — elec′tron op tics n. opt (used with a sing. v.) the study and use of the physical and optical properties of beams of electrons under the influence of electric or magnetic fields • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
electron optics — noun the branch of electronics that deals with beams of electrons and their focusing and deflection by magnetic fields • Hypernyms: ↑electronics … Useful english dictionary